Rosicrucian Alchemy. Dr Peter Gruenewald.
"This book is subtitled ‘a spiritual Christian path to prepare the philosopher’s stone’ taking the reader on a deep dive into Christian esotericism
The main aim is to help bring readers into a free and loving connection with Christ through a process of alchemical transformation. The role of the Rosicrucian alchemist is to anchor the universe in being, renewing its spiritual existence and enabling Nature to breathe the presence of God again.
Spirit embraces and transmutes matter while transforming war into love to enable a rebirth in the Holy Spirit while recognising Nature’s universal dynamic of alternating coagulations and dissolutions and achieving rhythm, balance and harmony in a psychospiritual coincidence of opposites – the sacred marriage or hieros gamos.
An important key is a breathing meditation on the esoteric name of Christ introduced
by Steiner: ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega’ (I.A.O) as the occult name of the Logos. ‘In this breathing meditation, the Sun’s Light is the wisdom; warmth is selfless love; and life is the power of Christ within our Higher Self.Here, Christ is the Spirit of Love, the essence of who we are that transforms wisdom and power into loving wisdom.
Peter gives a detailed description of this meditation process towards the end of the book, adding AUM as the esoteric name of the Holy Trinity and the Rosicrucian meditation Ex Deo Nascimur, In Christo morimur, Per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus (in God we are born, in Christ we die, in the Holy Spirit we are reawakened/resurrected).
He explains the detailed symbolism and gives specific instructions for practice and a beautiful Rosicrucian prayer.
This is a book to be studied that enables the reader to engage not only in a process of individual transformation but in the evolution of human consciousness as a whole."
David Lorimer. Autjor, Programme Director of the Scientific and Medical Network, Editor of Paradigm Explorer, and Chair of the Galileo Commission.
Paradigm Explorer. Journal of the Scientific and Medical Network. No 144. 2024/1
Book Review in the Paradigm Explorer of the Scientific and Medical Network
by David Lorimer